Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fruitful night

I was getting bored from being ignored by the damn fishes at the pond. Smart asses it seems. Or was I just a dumb ass. Rival had already moved to another spot and he beckoned me over as the radar was indicating high movement of fishes. Just as I was walking over, his rod dropped and a tug of war began. Was a bloody huge fish that jumped, flapped and snagged. It was a pacu, some relative of the more famous piranha. Weighing 4 kilos, it did scare the Jackpot holder for a while. Even the hook went slightly straight. And behold, the picture of the day...


Oops. Wrong pic. My bad my bad. AND behold, the real picture of the day...

The fish that gave him 2 months of bragging rights and SELF PROCLAIMED TITLE of the P-King (which basically means that he catches fishes like Patin and Pacu)

More pics...

Luckily didnt end up empty handed. I have my pride too.

Fishes must have been really hungry that night. An angler opposite me pulled up a 10 kg Tong-san which was the size of a tong gas
and many other fishes. Was a good fishing night.

Managed to squeeze those bloody fat ass fishes into the small freezer, all set for ikan bakar this Thursday. A treat to those asses who had been laughing and sneering at us about fishing and not getting anything.


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