Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Down the slumps


I just hate it when a song gets stuck in my head and I just can’t get it out of my head no matter how hard I try. And this time it had to be this cute repetitive song from School Rumble.

My back aches from too much sleep. Now that I’ve overslept, it still doesn’t give me the satisfaction I thought it’d give me. For the whole week, or rather for months, I had been considering for taking an MC every night thinking how nice it’d be to be able to sleep without subconsciously waiting for the alarm to ring only to hit it back to snooze mode.


In a blink of an eye, the month of May is gone. Well, it’s probably coz I slept through my two weeks of midnight shift and time really just flows by, being taken for granted as usual. Had been in the laziest mode of all time where nothing matters at all. All I wanted to do was to get back to my room and laze about.

Finally woke up today realizing that I had been happily letting life seep by again. Guess it’s time to do something meaningful again. Gurugurumaru~~~! Fuck this song by Scramble. Now it’s pissing me off. Where was I … Oh, the same usual spirit that is awaken every few months but dies down in a week or so.

Well, realizing that I’ve been wasting my life would be a good first step.

Now for the second step …

Or maybe I’ll think about it after finishing Resident Evil.

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