Monday, May 28, 2007


Time and again, this blog is suffering from a drought of updates due to the lifelessness of the author.

People say that I experience all kind of shit. I didn't quite realize it but those kind of stuff, just happens. Experienced something new again yesterday.

Was deploying some laptops to a bunch of snooty brats, fresh from universities. Cracking lame jokes, thinking they're cool and shit, not realizing the cruelty and harshness of the real world. Didn't pay much attention to them thinking how they'll slowly perish bit by bit.

When I was back, my colleague told me that one of them asked him a question:

"Is your colleague gay?"

Man. That's something new indeed. I wonder if its a random attempt to find a homosexual partner. But anyhow, fuck him.

He is so gonna lose his data once he experiences some pc problems.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gosh.. wonder which part of u look like a gay!!! OMG.. wonder those ppl knw how a GAY looks like...