Monday, July 16, 2007

A day at the President's house

The title sounds like some porn title.


It was a Saturday morning. Mr. President had some problem at his home and being a VVIP, we peons were required to provide service there. Was sulking when I dragged myself out of bed in the morning. What a great way to waste a Saturday.

Reached his home at Bukit Damansara and his home was just sweet. Huge ass house, pool table, , bar lounge, and a fully equiped jamming studio. It really rocks being rich. It really sucks tending to such rich people on a weekend.

At one point, my handphone was running out of juice and I had to make a phone call. Mr.President heard me and offered his charger.

Me : Errr, my phone is a Nokia.
Mr.P: How dare you bring a Nokia phone into the home of Ericsson's president. Nokia. Ericsson's staff should only use Ericsson products.
Me : Hmmmmm. But I'm with HP.
Mr.P: But that is a Nokia. Its not even HP.
Me : Lalala

The topic of music came up and turned out that music was his passion. He started talking about his career in the music industry where he proudly said he once did some production for Bob Marley and even Abba. He then invited us to his jamming studio.

Picked up his Musicman bass and shoved it to me. Regretted ever mentioning that I played the bass. He sat at the drums and started to play a beat. "Come on! Play something!" he insisted. Shit. I'm so dead. Played some anime tune and it went well for a bit. If I was gonna play something, might as well play something that he'd never heard of before. He then showed a bit of some music production stuff which was alien, cool and interesting to us. But he really showed us one thing that we don't see everyday - passion.

Turned out to be a rather interesting day after all.


Anonymous said...

Picked up his Musicman bass and shoved it.............Damn wrong

Angry Panda said...

Dude, stop scanning my entries for gay symptoms! And Im straight. Haha

Anonymous said...

"Mr.P: But that is a Nokia. Its not even HP.
Me : Lalala"

dont u think that lalala thingy is getting abit old?

Anonymous said...

Nah... being shoved using a bass is not gay at all. Its just sodomy. So dont worry about it.

Passion = money = passion = money

Anonymous said...

"luke said...

Nah... being shoved using a bass is not gay at all. Its just sodomy. So dont worry about it. ".....Damn wrong..