Tuesday, May 10, 2005

My first day of work

My first day at work...how shall i start....okay...lets start with the journey to work...

The moment i stepped out of the house, I was greeted by dark clouds with thunders roaring and lightning flashing. Perfect, i thought. Went back in, got my raincoat and started off. It started drizzling and soon enough it started raining cats and dogs. All this while i was burning at home in the hot weather and it had to rain today. It havent been raining like this for dunno how long. And it flooded somewhere along the way. Water was about 3 inches high. Damn! All the cars seem to be having fun when they splashed all the water at me while passing by. I was perfectly dry in front while I was soaked to my underwear on my back part. Sigh! Reached a shelter. Being perfectly aware that the rain got to my back, I decided to wear my raincoat properly ( all the while i was only wearing it in front). Had problem buttoning the freaking raincoat thanks to my bulging belly. Departed off again and it didnt take long for my small brain to notice that all my front is getting wet now. Perfect. That will make things more even. Stopped and flipped the raincoat again. A part of me was telling me to be gone with the raincoat. Anyway, the journey continued and I missed the turning that I was supposed to take. Muahahhahaha, i started laughing to myself. So I went wandering in the rain searching for the way to my workplace. The rain stopped not long after and i managed to reach my office. My clothes are now dry and i was half an hour early. The office was still locked and I had to wait till 9. Damn it.

And i was given no job for the entire day. Suffered from severe boredom.

My office Posted by Hello

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