Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Really a bad day

Continuation from the previous blog…

Just after work, we were heading home when the tire started rattling, shaking, being unstable, you get my point. Taking the precautions, I stopped by a mechanic shop to have it fixed. Ended up, the mechanic told me that the tube inside was a smaller version which couldn’t fit the tire. Deep down in my heart, my angel and devil spoke to me. My angel said that the man was old and was trying to make a day’s living and he didn’t mean any harm. My devil said “Screw him!”

So basically, I spent damn a lot just on changing tubes. Could actually get a new tire instead of a tube. Well….shit happens. But this is happening too often. Maybe coz I eat a lot. So I shit a lot. And a lot of shit happens.

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