Friday, July 29, 2005

The broken curse...

Finally Laurent broke the dreaded curse. He managed to come with us for basketball. Before this, whenever he wanted to play ball with us, the ball game would be cancelled. It would either rain or the ball game would be called of for some reason. Even yesterday, when we reached there, the whole court was full which never happened before. Jinx! Anyway, we played till 2am and Im now in office spending my lame saturday in office. Can't wait to go home for a good sleep. My weekends are now lame and I no longer look forward to them.

I guess it took some time before the fact got pounded to my thick skull. My job is LAME! and my boss is some cheap ass. Giving shit classes on how to improve oneself ( which is 3 classes a week and held after working hours), beating about the bush when the issue of increment came up and always saying "I ll pay you based on your performance!" Okay, I told myself, maybe he has a point there but my mentality is my performance depends on how much u pay me. Anyway, finally two of my colleagues just got confirmed. Their productivity is good where they handle a major percentage of the magazine. Their increment: RM50. So much for the productivity shit. Guess if its based on my given productivity, i ll get an increment of RM5.

Stop attending those lame classes already after the boss said that it was okie if i didnt want to attend. He said he respected frank people. SO i didnt go and i heard from my colleague that he does mind. Anyway, started my job hunt again and hope i get a better job this time. Bless me.

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