Saturday, January 14, 2006

Night fishing

Went fishing after work the other day, and the sudden thought of night fishing came up. Being one with my thoughts, I ended up buying necessary stuff like torch light, and more fishing equiptments for fishing later that night. My colleague Azlan provided a packet of Gudang Garam for mosquito repellant.

It seemed so much noisier at night. The sounds of the insects could be heard as if they were amplified through a loud speaker and the sounds of cars passing by was really noticable. Wonder if it is because the surrounding was too quiet that everything else became loud. Ironic or maybe its just my idiotic thinking.

The night was beautiful that day, studded with stars and litted by a full moon. Reflection of the moon could be seen on the surface of the pond while the gentle wind send gentle ripples on the water. The cool weather made it even more relaxing and I wished that the moment would last.

Back to my fishing. Caught shit that night. Fuck those guys who boast about fishing at night.

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