Sunday, February 05, 2006

Life goes on...

Here I am. Back to office after half a month of pure bliss. Cant believe Im finally awake before noon. Urgh~! My biological clock still needs retuning and i'm now fighting to stay awake. How nice would it be to have a couple of months more off. But I'd be 200kg if the holiday got any longer.

I was weighing myself a week before Chinese New Year started. 98kg. Aint too bad as it once touched 105. Anyway, after a week of binging and sleeping round the clock, I came upon the same weighing scale again. Hesitated for a while as I realized that the flabs around me were getting really out of hand. Never noticed the flabs there before. Anyway, it touched 102kg this time~! In just a week. Biggest jump of the week.

Well, Chinese New Year was boring. I only did two things - visiting and gambling. Went visiting in shorts and sandals this year and was half naked most of the time at home. Gambling was good at kampung where I managed to cheat those younger cousins and see them moan and groan at their loss. Back in Kluang, was suprised to see how high the stakes has risen now that everyone has joined the working force. Lost quite a bit back in hometown.


Now that I think about it, I didnt do anything else besides hogging on my PS2. What a way to waste my vacation. Urgh~! And now Im back at work. Life sucks.

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