Monday, August 21, 2006

New Sport in Town

I guess I have another new activity to add to my daily life. Another lame attempt to make my life more meaningful or happening. Another reason to waste more money on something. The latest addition to my life:


Alright, lemme rephrase, coz it isn't really baseball that I'm doing. What I was actually doing would be attempting to whack a moving ball with a baseball bat within an enclosed cage. The idea of it would be similar to a driving range for golf where the only difference would be the equiptment involved. But the general idea would be the same - to whack some balls~!

So far, I've been going there with the intentions of working out. But more importantly, its the fun factor that kept me going back for more. The satisfaction I get from getting a clean hit of the ball is almost orgasmic. The smell of burnt rubber, an effect of the ball grazing against the fast moving bat, was just heavenly. The blisters on the hands after the game adds a couple of points to my manliness. The strain of muscles and joints reminds me that I'm leaving a healthy lifestyle.

Enough of the bullshit. The straight truth would be that at every swing, be it hit or miss, I'm rid of some frustration, tension and stress from within me. Yeah, I'm one hell of a angry, frustrated and depressed kid. Grrr....

Anyway, check it out at

Gaya factor.

The owner, Tim, with a shameless bastard who dared pose with a stolen baseball in his right pocket.


3zeroes said...

damn, u look like jon in that photo

Anonymous said...

Luke was right, you really look like piece of green jelly.

Anonymous said...

believe me .. one day you'll start taichi pulak .. heheheh

Angry Panda said...

troy: NOOOoooooOooo~!! Anything but Jon~!!!!

lobak: And hence the legendary batter nicked Green Jelly was born.

My ex-fishing rival: You are ignored.

Angry Panda said...

nah...not really. we only blog out the fun stuff. Haha you wouldnt want to read any blogs about watching the paint dry right?

@EventBuds said...

i don't get the paint dry stuff. What paint dry?!

Angry Panda said...
