Monday, June 13, 2005

Goodbye Catfish

Ever since I threw the catfish into the aquarium, the water became cloudy, my other fishes started acting weird and basically the only thing i can see is the damn big cat fish. Wasnt much point to keeping it i guess.

So yesterday, knocked on my neighbour's door and asked if she wanted a free dinner. She said okay so i went to catch the big fella. It took me about 15 minutes to catch it. Guess it knew it was going to be eaten so it gave the aquarium a final thrashing. Water splashed everywhere and the aquarium seemed like it was going to break. Caught it in the end and waved it goodbye.

This morning, I asked about it and the neighbour said she passed it to the neighbour below who loved catfish and has many kids to feed. At least, the fish wasn't wasted I guess.


Laurent said...

no wonder ,i didn't see the cat fish wen i came home... thought u took it away to makan sendiri

Angry Panda said...

haha dun worry. plan to go fishing this weekend. get ready to eat some fishes.

@EventBuds said...

cruelty.. cruelty :P

Laurent said...

Sigh.. what to do.... 1 go out early in the morning.. 1 sleeps damn early at night