Thursday, July 21, 2005

My colleague...

There s this gal who recently joined my company. My first impression of her was to be gentle, timid gal. I was wrong. Very wrong.

She was some loud cool open minded gal who could talk about anything under the sun. Talked about sex, mythologies, historical issues, general issues and almost anything we could talk about though the only topic i was interested in was sex. She s the type of gal said "Fuck you!" when I pissed her off which would be followed by my reply - "Anytime."

I even got into a little trouble with Eve because of her. Haha some misunderstanding. It's not like I am having an affair or anything. Eve read some innocent smses between us which lead to some big misunderstanding which made my life miserable for days. Dear, if your reading this, everything is just cool and there is totally nothing between she and me. She has even been attached for five years already. (Eve: God knows!)

Anyway, im pretty glad she came to this already miserable office as I now have a new friend who is cool, open, noisy, honest, sarcastic, straight, and crazy. Besides that, life still sucks.

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