Sunday, August 07, 2005

56k sucks

Alright, here i am again. The last 3 months now felt like a dream. Cant believe i was actually working for the last 3 months. Dont feel any sign of regret after resigning in front of the boss. Experience wise, yea, i met a lot of bastards and bitches in my company. Well, less bastards actually. more bitches. Alright, i am exaggerating there. They werent that bad. Not bad at all actually. Learnt a few technical skills, improved my scanning skills, and most importantly, how to say no to a potential employer who is bugging you to sign the appointment letter.

So, here i am again. A fresh start. Start looking for a new job, going for interviews again and having new ambitions and dreams. Kinda lagging i would say compared to the rest of the gang. But at least, i slept 12 hours last nite and im feeling sleepy again and i can sleep anytime. Sigh~!!! LIFELESS!!! haha

Anyway, hope you guys reading this would update your blogs more often so that I have something to look forward too back here in Kluang. haha i bet i m gonna finish a whole harry potter book today.


Anonymous said...

hey...can u send me all the pics to my mail?
Thanks man

Angry Panda said...

yoh dude. will be coming back this friday. will see you around man. will pass u the stuff then. got an interview coming this monday.