Monday, September 05, 2005


Life now can be summarized as work, animes, movies, porn and sex blogs.

Started to realise that travelling to Cyberjaya or Puchong for some short lived joy isnt that fun anymore. The darn problem with me is all the stuff I do is normally shortlived. No more passion in anything. Maybe I should get a dog. So that maybe I have something to look forward to after work. Life sucks when ure staying in solitude. The mind tend to wander and sometimes just breaks down.

Life sucks.


Angry Panda said...

haha butter dog. prefer butter fingers. they wont bite.

anyway, the job is okay ler. its the after job thing. and if possible i wanna stick to it for a while first. moving too much, in the end will end up no where.

Anonymous said...

Well man, aim for the moon. Even if u miss u'll end up among the stars.
(which means tat as long as u are moving forward u will end up somewhere)