Sunday, September 04, 2005

Movie Marathon

Weekends always seem to pass in a blink of the eye. This weekend is spent playing ping pong, dota and watching dvds at cyberia.

DOTA ... basically its like playing the role of a road kill. I just go along the path and get killed. This jerks here had been playing damn often and they are good. Or perhaps its me who suck badly. But it was still kinda addictive I guess.

Ping pong, proud to admit that I am improving. Not that I am winning, but I dare say i am improving. Back hand and stuff...muahaha. Maybe should organise a ping pong game the next time we can have a gathering. Miss the old days.

Dvds...watched like 4 movies in a row. Wonder if life is really that lifeless or what. Watched Bewitched (that I saw in the cinemas), Shawshanks Redemption, Road Trip and Million dollar baby. Bewitched is just some lame show to pass time with Eve. Shawshanks Redemption - Good shit would be my comment. Finally watched it after so many people telling me how godly it was (not Jon). Yea, it was good. Road Trip is some normal teen movie. Not too nice. Found Euro trip better. Million dollar baby ... nothing really great about that movie i would say. Thought it would be good with so many awards. But it was just a so so movie to me.

A cheap and eventful weekend...


Anonymous said...

it was the other way round for me... i find shawshank redemption to be mediocre while i find million dollar baby to be quite good

Angry Panda said...

guess it is true when they say everybody has different tastes.