Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Had a great weekend meeting up with a couple of friends over beer, crashing at the haunted hostel watching anime while hearing the echo of my own laugher, and getting my daily finger excercise over my slick PS2. And my weekend was over before I knew it.

I was glad to be back on the day shift, though this short lived joy will only last 4 days before I'm back to my graveyard shift where darkness is too dark for the light to shine through. Attended a case today which I found pretty cool. The ceiling above somehow broke and water, from god knows where, came pouring down on all the computer and other electronic stuff. Crossed my mind to turn the pc on while it was still dripping wet and see if it really burns as they say.

Met a couple of people over the week, and it seems that we all have something in common. We all say - life is empty, life is boring, life is meaningless, I'm broke, I hate studying, screw FYP, I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. The list goes on, but to summarize it all, Life Sucks. I do wonder what the hell am I doing here at times, or rather all the time.

Guess this is one of those yet another bitching on life entries.

Oh, and I came across this manga at Manga Download and it entertained me quite a bit.


PS - It aint hentai.

PSS - I'm not into some gay SM shit.


Angry Panda said...

haha yea man, and he tortures bad guys by stuffing them at his croutch -_-||

Laurent said...

damn long time ago this manga...