Wednesday, March 14, 2007


"People who play the PSP are dumb. Let me rephrase, people who play the PSP are idiots!"

My housemate suddenly said that to me last night.

Me : What did you say? Why do you say that?

Homie : Coz the screen for the PSP is so small. Who the hell would wanna game on it.

Me : Dude, its a fucking handheld. It is meant to be small.

Homie : Whatever. The screen is too small. Gaming is only fun on big screens.

Me : So, what games do you play?

Homie : Lets play Age of Empires II. I love that game.

Me : -_-"

I hate people who make comparisons between things that are of different class to begin with. A handheld is meant to be small, light and portable. And my housemate is comparing it to a console which is meant to be stationary and connected to an external display. How can someone compare things of different class with different purposes? It's like comparing guns of different classes.

"Dude, why aren't you hunting racoons with a missile launchers?"

I wonder why do I even bother explaining to people who aren't even interested in the first place. Firstly, most of them haven't even tried out the stuff that they are criticizing. And most of them are so stucked with their own opinions that whatever others say wouldn't even matter. I still get people saying "What is so fun about fishing? If you want fish, just get them at the market!" I've had enough with these kinda statements. The next time somebody ask me something similar, my reply would be "Fuck off!"

Plus. Who the hell plays Age of Empires II nowadays. That is ancient history.


Anonymous said...

just had to use raccoons as an example huh....

Anonymous said...

It wasn't wasn't me...-_-"