Anyhow, it wasnt something you see everyday so I was kinda into it as well. Finally, I am able to go into the hangar to snap pictures of the place without feeling stupid or watched. Remembered trying to take pictures of the planes the first day I started working, and I was warned by my friend to stop if I didnt want my camera smashed up.
Alright, ignore the crappy intro and enjoy the pictures.
A huge crowd welcoming the plane. I guess all operations for KLIA cargo must have stunted during this period of time.
Another view of the giant
My private jet
Found this short truck really cute. It started to emit smokes when it started to pull the air bus into the hangar.
Wonder what water do they collect with this
The hangar's water canons for fire emergency
Started having my shower here when the water at hostel got cut off
A photon canon
Sticking of MAS designs.
Touching up of MAS logo
Side view of the A380
Our tailo looking small beside a plane's engine (not the A380)
More views of the hangar
The A380's head which looks like a dolphin to me. My colleague said it looks like a turtle.
Other planes
More pictures of hangar...
Photograph of colleague photographing
Nose of some small Boeing
Most of the pictures turned out pretty bad due to the poor lighting. I just hate night photography. Anyhow, hope you enjoyed the pictures.
haha too bad man. the 747 was parked in front of the A380 and I didnt feel like walking so far away to get a clear pic of both. besides, it was night photographing. Terrible.
saw the ad on the airbus on newspaper today
yea, the place was filled with photographers. professional ones as well. guess they were from the press.
can't u adjust the ISO for night photography?
wonder how they deliver such a huge plane :-?
haha ure talking about a flying plane there.
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