Whenever someone asks me about my religion, i would pause for a while, then say "Buddhist, I guess."
Coming from a family background where my dad's side were all Buddhists and my mom's side were all Christians, it was a bit funny at times. My dad would feel silly whenever the family would join hands to say grace during a Christmas dinner. I was once a Christian. When I was young, my aunt approached me and started talking about God and stuff and somehow managed to convince me into accepting the Lord and Christianity. Started reading the bible, praying daily at night, feeling guilty after lying as the Lord was watching and stuff like that.
Now, I wouldnt clearly say that I am a Buddhist. Why? I know little about Buddhism. I know some history, death and rebirth, karma, nirvana, the middle path, the eight noble truth, triple gem and stuff like that. But then, if someone were to ask me what is Buddhism, I wouldnt know how to give a straight answer. I believe in death and rebirth. Does that make me a Buddhist? The Hindus believe in death and rebirth too. So, to avoid complications, I say I am a free thinker still in search for an answer.
The problem with religion, most of the times it is passed down through inheritence. A child would most probably follow their parents footsteps. Sometimes, you dont have a choice. In Malaysia, it is said that it is one's freedom to choose their religion. It doesnt really seem that way. Guess that is what Ayah Pin did and now he's on the run. So called freedom.
Religions like Christianity and Islam dont give you much of a choice. You dont believe in my lord, you go to hell. Sounds simple huh? All you have to do is believe and do good, and you'll earn your way to heaven. Just say you are a Muslim. You pray five times a day, undergo the pilgrimage to the holy land and had been good for the rest of your life. But when you die, you see the Christian Lord there instead of Allah. And vice versa. It is just like boarding a wrong bus and saying "Shit!" when you arrive at the wrong destination. Both religion states that their God is the true and only god. Which means, one side is definitely going to hell.
For me, I'll cross out Christianity and Islam from my list of choices. Life is short and it isnt enough to determine if you spend the rest of eternity in heaven or hell. The karma thing makes more sense to me. But somehow, I think that all religions are the same. They are guides for us humans to do good and also something for us humans to hold on to. Or it could also be a good marketing plan started thousands of years ago to sell bibles, qurans, robes and other religious merchandices.
Then again, who gives a shit of what I think. Wonder why i even wrote this entry. This midnight shift is starting to have its effect on me. Anyway, no offense to anyones' religion out there. Just the thoughts of a delusioned mind.